Tuesday, February 2

Meeting: 7th of February.

Can you believe how fast January went boys and girls? I know I can't. It feels like we'll be at MCM Expo in no time at all, but for now we'll have to keep on meeting at Starbucks and taking up loads of room.

It's a standard set up this week as none of us regulars could decide what we wanted to do about this "field trip" So, here are the details of the exhibition, I implore people to go, it's a rare thing and hey, we all need a spot of extra culture in our lives.

It's the Arthur Ranson Exhibition at orbital comics, this man is a British comic LEGEND, the exhibition is retrosepective and I'm sure they'll have some goodies in the shop too, but it ends on the 14th of this month, so get their quick. Details of the opening hours and store stock can be found HERE


It's recommended that you take the Picadilly Line or Northen Line to Leicester Square and walk the short distance up Charing Cross Road, and then turn down Great Newport St. If you get lost, you can check out the awesome arcade at the Trocadero, or go and see a film.

Meeting - 7th February:

As usual we will be meeting at Starbucks on New Oxford Street at 3.00pm. So, same time, same place, in our lovely circle of comfy chairs; do you see the jealous glances we get? For any newbies, come and say hi to us there or choose one of the lovely contacts on the right hand side and say hello, have a chat, we may be able to help you with transport, directions and well, generally we're lovely people.

See you all there!

Holden Caulfield.

N.B. I have stopped embedding maps as the blog is getting slow and upset, please refer to any of the wonderful maps below, especially Scourge's showing the tube lines, and the google street view (I have no clue how he achieved that map, I'm rather proud of it)

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to Google, i'm the 7th letter of the alphabet.
