Sunday, December 6

What a success!

Hey everyone!

The meeting today (6th December) was a success! We had five people turn up, six including me, and we really enjoyed ourselves!

To everyone who was unable to come, it's a shame we didn't get to meet you. However, there's always next time.

Today, we talked about our own fanfictions, reviews, fanfics we recommend and surrealy, being murdered by our own feet.

Well, it was nice to meethe people who turned up today. I hope to see more people next week!


  1. And let's not forget needing Siriusly Black paint. ;D

  2. I want to ask, other than Allys, was there anyone at the meeting who knows how to draw?

  3. I can draw. Sort of. if you're interested.


  4. Haha! Paint!

    Red And White: Yes, one of us knew how to draw.
